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China’s first new atmospheric photochemical navigation monitoring vehicle has been successfully running in Hangzhou


On May 15, 2023, the atmospheric photochemical navigation monitoring vehicle was running in Shangcheng District, Hangzhou. This vehicle is the first navigation monitoring vehicle in China that collaboratively integrates ozone lidar and time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The vehicle is equipped with a proton transfer reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometer (PTR-TOF-MS), ozone lidar (third-generation lidar technology), ambient air monitoring analyzer, meteorological parameters monitoring analyzer, the calibration and quality control system and composite monitoring and analysis software platform, which can realize real-time monitoring and data analysis of atmospheric pollution indicators such as VOCs and O3.



The ozone lidar and VOCs mass spectrometry form a multi-scale navigation monitoring system. Ozone lidar focuses on regional-scale distribution and transmission of ozone pollution, while VOCs mass spectrometry focuses on refined and grid navigation of pollution source emissions. Through the three-dimensional assimilation model, the navigation system can integrate monitoring data and achieve collaborative monitoring and analysis among time, space and pollution components.



SDL provides the proton transfer reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometer, ambient air monitoring analyzer and composite monitoring and analysis software platform that install in this monitoring vehicle.


SDL proton transfer reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometer (PTR-TOF-MS)

By combining proton transfer reaction and time-of-flight mass spectrometry, qualitative and quantitative analysis of pptv-level VOCs/SVOCs can be completed within seconds.


• Real-time online monitoring without sample collection and preprocessing

• High sensitivity and detection limit as low as pptv level

• Fast response speed that can quickly identify pollutants within (50~100)ms

• High mass resolution (FWHM≥4000M/ΔM) and accurate identification of chemical components

SDL ambient air monitoring analyzer

The analyzer achieves real-time monitoring of gaseous pollutants such as SO₂, NO₂, CO, O₃, TVOC and particulate pollutants such as PM₁₀ and PM₂.₅ in the air. It is widely used in grid monitoring, ambient air quality monitoring, indoor air quality monitoring, construction site and road dust monitoring, industrial park and factory boundary unorganized emission monitoring, and mobile emergency monitoring.


• Extractive sampling ensures stable sampling flow and improves monitoring accuracy.

• With high spatio-temporal resolution of data collection, that analyzer generates data in seconds that can be used for "monitoring and analysis while moving"

SDL composite monitoring and analysis software platform

Relying on GIS and big data analysis technology, heterogeneous data such as VOCs, odors, and navigation trajectories are displayed on one map, to achieve real-time and historical trajectory analysis, VOCs component analysis and ozone sensitivity analysis.

• Monitoring and analysis in the moving vehicle

• Quick response to monitoring results

• Quick deployment of public complaints

• Collaborative analysis of multi-pollutant

• On-site disposal of pollution incidents

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